Privacy Policy Nondiscrimination and Accessibility NoticePrivacy Policy Nondiscrimination and. Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. 8xhww3yhwfulfm Back to CR. . The footage then cuts to a street view where the narrator tackles the man while a wallet presumably the elderly mans falls from the suspects hands and onto the street. A teenaged Good Samaritan standing on the New Jersey Turnpike in Burlington County was among two people seriously injured early Friday after a tractor-trailer hit a stalled vehicle following an. Sitting nearby the good Samaritan who can be heard narrating the events of the footage witnessed the assault and immediately chased the suspect down. 12M views 55K likes 11K loves 181 comments 562 shares Facebook Watch Videos from NowThis. 2019 Phoenix Childrens Hospital. I dont know if Samaritan will be any good but as far as Im concerned the trailer s...